Welcome to the 4th instalment on the top 5 online games of all time! In this article you will find out what game we think is the 2nd best online FPS of all time!
2. Call of duty 4
Call of duty 4:modern warfare also known as COD4 developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, Windows, and Xbox 360 is an amazing online FPS! The game was first released in November 2007 and is the 4th Call of duty game.
It toke the COD4 developers 2 years to complete using a proprietary game engine. Call of Duty 4 features team-based and death match-based multiplayer modes on various maps. Each mode has an objective that requires unique strategies to complete. Players can change their guns as they unlock new ones and then upgrade their guns and mod them too exactly how they want them.
In call of duty 4 if you get a certain amount of deaths without dying you can do certain things like call in air strikes and much more.
If you are looking for an action packed game that is easy to get into and has a huge competitive gaming scene then COD4 is the Online FPS game for you.
For more information on owe 2nd best FPS online game of all time please go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty_4
Stay with us while we count down to the Top online FPS game ever made and played!
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