Every body around the world is talking about social networks like facebook and twitter but a lot of people don't know what these services are and how they work.The on-his-mind team are now going to show you how twitter works and how to get the most out of twitter! This is the first instalment of owe twitter guide so stay tuned for more articles and how to guides on twitter.
What is twitter?
Twitter is a micro blogging servise where friends, family,co–workers ,websites and companies communicate with the world around them and tell people who are following them what they are doing and any other news they feel is important for other people to know!
Why should I use twitter?
Wouldn't you like to know what your friends are doing Or what's going on in the world around you? Well with twitter you can stay up to date with your favourite celebrities,find out what family and friends are doing and tell them what you doing and/or fun things you have found out.This might sound like its a long and lengthy task but due to twitter only allowing you a maximum of 140charicates you and the people you follow have to keep it short and sweet meaning you can follow peoples every move without having to wast your own time!
Twitter will keep you in touch with the world and now that almost every one has a twitter account you will be able to stay in touch and tell people what you doing quickly and easily.
Go directly to the twitter site by clicking here.
why don't you join the on-his-mind twitter page and stay up to date with the latest stuff we have to offer on this blog!If you would like to see owe twitter page simply click here.
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