43things is a social networking site that connects all the people who have the same things they want to do together, this connects you with people you don’t know but have something in conman(for example I want to climb mount Everest one day so I put it down as one of the 43 things I want to do before I die)the site then puts you in a group with every other person on 43things that also wants to do this cretin thing ,this group can now discuses the topic and explain how they are busy accomplishing their goals. If a user has accomplished the goal he/she can post about how they did it as well as inspire other members to complete the goal and how it can be done.
43 Things was launched on January 1, 2005, and founded by a blogger called Erik Benson and a view other big shots in the internet industry. The first version of the site was released 43 days before January 1, with a stripped down text interface asking "43 days till the new year. What do you want to do with your life?" Hundreds of thousands of users browsed the site before the official launch - leading to news coverage in several countries.
If you have a whole lot of dreams and goals I suggest registering at 43things.com and become an achiever, even if it is to swim with sharks or quit smoking this is the place to get the knowhow and the support from people who know how you feel and know how inspired and motivated you are to want to achieve your goal
To register with 43things go to http://www.43things.com/ and start making your dreams come true.
I personally really enjoy using 43things because it shows me that there are other people like me that feel the same way about things that other people like your friends and family don’t. Registering with 43things will change your life and make you feel so much better about yourself when you accomplish your goals.
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